Happy Client's
Jangan Ambil Kata-kata Kami! Dengarkan Apa Kata Mereka Tentang Kami.
"The layout of the arrangement is very good so that it seems spacious, spacious, comfortable and often praised by expats who rent my apartment. The exterior design is also very elegant"

Michelle P.
"Dapurnya OK! Sandinterior Design Build sangat terbuka dan welcome untuk diskusi tentang desain, kebutuhan, dan budget 🙂 wishing you all success for the future!"

Ayu Selen
"Very OK design, even some of my colleagues also gave praise"

Marco U.
"Thank you Sandinterior Design Build for making my apartment look good. Interior design process through to finishing with very friendly service and advice, good materials, neatly made products. The sofa is very comfortable too. Very recommended. Definitely will use Sandinterior Design Build service again next time."

John J.
" The design is very good just what I expected. Thank you for your cooperation"

Smith T.
"99% of the results are in accordance with the drawings that have been designed. Planning is very important. Hopefully in the future (with the results of this design), we can be more productive."

Cherry Taylor